I used checkDataBase function to ensure if the database already exist to avoid re-copying the file each time you open the application in Oreo. But in Android Pie it is not working.
private boolean checkDataBase (String dbName, int dbVersion) {
SQLiteDatabase checkDB = null;
try {
String myPath = DB_PATH + dbName;
checkDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_ABORT);
if (checkDB.getVersion() < dbVersion) {
Timber.d("Delete database called");
return false;
} catch(SQLiteException e) {
if(checkDB != null){
return checkDB != null;
Getting this error: os_unix.c:36667: (2) open(/data/data/my.androidPieTrial.app/databases/admin.db) android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error (code 14 SQLITE_CANTOPEN): Could not open database