jsPdf add margins to pdf page

2019-02-15 15:10发布


I use jsPdf for creating pdf from html. How can I add margings (top, left, right) to my pdf page?

     var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter');
    doc.addHTML($('#template_invoice')[0], function () {

Thanks for any help!


JSPdf allows you to make a margin hash and apply it in your download i.e.

margins = {
  top: 40,
  bottom: 60,
  left: 40,
  width: 522

Try this snippet below or this CodePen:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".btn").click(function() {
    var doc = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "letter"),
    source = $("#template_invoice")[0],
    margins = {
      top: 40,
      bottom: 60,
      left: 40,
      width: 522
      source, // HTML string or DOM elem ref.
      margins.left, // x coord
      margins.top, {
        // y coord
        width: margins.width // max width of content on PDF
      function(dispose) {
        // dispose: object with X, Y of the last line add to the PDF
        //          this allow the insertion of new lines after html
.lead {
  margin-top: 20px;
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<div class="container" id="template_invoice">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-4">
      <div class="invoice-title">
    <div class="col-xs-4">
      <p class="lead">Order # 12345</p>
    <div class="col-xs-4">
      <button class="btn btn-info pull-right">Download</button>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-6">
        <strong>Billed To:</strong><br>
    	John Smith<br>
    	1234 Main<br>
    	Apt. 4B<br>
    	Springfield, ST 54321
    <div class="col-xs-6 text-right">
        <strong>Shipped To:</strong><br>
    	Jane Smith<br>
    	1234 Main<br>
    	Apt. 4B<br>
    	Springfield, ST 54321
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-6">
    	<strong>Payment Method:</strong><br>
    	Visa ending **** 4242<br>
    <div class="col-xs-6 text-right">
    	<strong>Order Date:</strong><br>
    	March 7, 2014<br><br>

  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
      <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">
          <h3 class="panel-title"><strong>Order summary</strong></h3>
        <div class="panel-body">
          <div class="table-responsive">
            <table class="table table-condensed">
                  <td class="text-center"><strong>Price</strong></td>
                  <td class="text-center"><strong>Quantity</strong></td>
                  <td class="text-right"><strong>Totals</strong></td>
                  <td class="text-center">$10.99</td>
                  <td class="text-center">1</td>
                  <td class="text-right">$10.99</td>
                  <td class="text-center">$20.00</td>
                  <td class="text-center">3</td>
                  <td class="text-right">$60.00</td>
                  <td class="text-center">$600.00</td>
                  <td class="text-center">1</td>
                  <td class="text-right">$600.00</td>
                  <td class="thick-line"></td>
                  <td class="thick-line"></td>
                  <td class="thick-line text-center"><strong>Subtotal</strong></td>
                  <td class="thick-line text-right">$670.99</td>
                  <td class="no-line"></td>
                  <td class="no-line"></td>
                  <td class="no-line text-center"><strong>Shipping</strong></td>
                  <td class="no-line text-right">$15</td>
                  <td class="no-line"></td>
                  <td class="no-line"></td>
                  <td class="no-line text-center"><strong>Total</strong></td>
                  <td class="no-line text-right">$685.99</td>

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jspdf/1.3.4/jspdf.min.js"></script>