I have a checkbox whose value $row['uid']
I would like to store in local storage using javascript or jquery. When the user "unchecks" the checkbox, the value should be removed from local storage
This is my html:
<form> Favorites <input type="checkbox" class="favorite" value="'.$row['uid'].' onclick='.fave.add();'"></form>
This is what I have for the local storage in javascript at the moment. I'm not quite sure how I should add and remove the value $row['uid']
var fave = fave || {};
var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("favorite"));
data = data || {};
var fave = fave || {};
var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("favorite"));
data = data || {};
$(function () {
var data = localStorage.getItem("favorite");
if (data !== null) {
$("input[name='favorites']").attr("checked", "checked");
$("input[name='favorites']").click(function () {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
localStorage.setItem("favorite", $(this).val());
else {
Any and all help is much appreciated!
has two main functions, getItem
and setItem
. For setItem
you pass in a key and a value. If you write to that key again, it will rewrite that value. So in your case, if a box is checked you would do localStorage.setItem("checkbox_value", true)
and when it is unchecked you would pass in false
instead. To get the value you can look at using jQuery like so: $(checkbox).is(':checked')
and use a simple if-else clause to pass in true or false. then when you reload your page, on $( document ).ready()
you can get the values using localStorage.getItem(key)
and use Javascript to set the check boxes values.
This is how i would go about using localStorage to remember check box values.
Hope i helped! Ask me if anything is unclear.
Here's an example to get you headed in the right direction:
var boxes, arr;
// This function loads the array and then checks the uid of each checkbox
// against it.
function checkBoxes() {
arr = loadBoxArray();
$.each($('input[type=checkbox]'), function (i, el) {
if (arr.indexOf(i) > -1) {
$(this).prop('checked', true);
} else {
$(this).prop('checked', false);
// If the localStorage item is available, load it into an array
// otherwise set a default array and save it to localStorage
function loadBoxArray() {
if (localStorage.getItem('boxes')) {
arr = loadBoxArray();
} else {
arr = [0, 2];
// Save the array to localStorage
function saveBoxArray(arr) {
localStorage.setItem('boxes', JSON.stringify(arr));
// On page load check the boxes found in localStorage
// Clicking a checkbox will update the checkbox array which is then saved to localStorage
$('input[type=checkbox]').click(function () {
var arr = $.map($('input[type=checkbox]:checked'), function (el) {
return $(el).data('uid');
If you want the check box state to persist after page refresh and if you don't mind using jQuery:
$(function () {
var data = localStorage.getItem("favorite");
if (data !== null) {
$("input[name='favorites']").attr("checked", "checked");
$("input[name='favorites']").click(function () {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
localStorage.setItem("favorite", $(this).val());
} else {