I am working on a project which needs bit automation and web-scrapping for which I am using Selenium and BeautifulSoup (python2.7).
I want to open only one instance of a web browser and login to a website, keeping that session, I am trying to open new tabs which will be independently controlled by threads, each thread controlling a tab and performing their own task. How should I do it? An example code would be nice. Well here's my code:
def threadFunc(driver, tabId):
if tabId == 1:
#open a new tab and do something in it
elif tabId == 2:
#open another new tab with some different link and perform some task
.... #other cases
class tabThreads(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, driver, tabId):
self.tabID = tabId
self.driver = driver
def run(self):
print "Executing tab ", self.tabID
threadFunc(self.driver, self.tabID)
def func():
# Created a main window
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
# This is the part where i am stuck, whether to create threads and send
# them the same web-driver to stick with the current session by using the
# javascript call "window.open('')" or use a separate for each tab to
# operate on individual pages, but that will open a new browser instance
# everytime a driver is created
thread1 = tabThreads(driver, 1)
thread2 = tabThreads(driver, 2)
...... #other threads
I am open to suggestions for using any other module, if needed