I can barely understand the man page for pipe, so I kinda need help understanding how to take a piped input in an external executable.
I have 2 programs: main.o & log.o
I written main.o to fork. Here is what it is doing:
- Parent fork will pipe data to the child
- Child fork will exec log.o
I need the child fork for main to pipe to STDIN of log.o
log.o simply takes STDIN & logs with time stamp to a file.
My code is composed of some code from various StackOverflow pages I dont remember & the man page for pipe:
printf("\n> ");
while(fgets(input, MAXINPUTLINE, stdin)){
char buf;
int fd[2], num, status;
perror("Pipe broke, dood");
return 111;
case -1:
perror("Fork is sad fais");
return 111;
case 0: // Child
close(fd[1]); // Close unused write end
while (read(fd[0], &buf, 1) > 0) write(STDOUT_FILENO, &buf, 1);
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1);
execlp("./log", "log", "log.txt", 0); // This is where I am confused
default: // Parent
close(fd[0]); // Close unused read end
write(fd[1], data, strlen(data));
close(fd[1]); // Reader will see EOF
wait(NULL); // Wait for child
printf("\n> ");