
Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3': The specifie

2019-02-15 10:33发布


I'm having a heck of a time getting my tests to run against my SQLite Data Provider.

I've looked at the suggested links here on stackoverflow, but none of them seem to get me going down the right path.

I've downloaded the Windows Precompiled Binaries for sqlite3.dll

I've copied the sqlite3.dll into both my Sqlite\bin directory as well as my Tests\bin directory

Unfortunately when I run my tests, I get the following error

Is there a clear cut way to get this working both in my Windows dev environment (primary goal right now) as well as running in Android and IOS (required in the near future)?

Also, if it matters, here are my Sqlite project references.


So the answer for me was quite simple. I wired up a Pre-Build event that checks the architecture of the machine, and copies the appropriate dll into the output bin directory.

Now anyone on our team can simply run REBUILD, and the proper dll will be available to run against SQLite.

if '$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)'=='AMD64' (xcopy /y "$(ProjectDir)x64\sqlite3.dll" ".\") 
if '$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)'=='x86' (xcopy /y "$(ProjectDir)x86\sqlite3.dll" ".\")
if '$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432)'=='AMD64' (xcopy /y "$(ProjectDir)x64\sqlite3.dll" ".\")


When I add the following libraries the error went away

  1. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Package (V11.0)
  2. SQLite for Windows Runtime (V3.8.7.1)


Can't put this in comments, so here's what I got:

Also, have a look at Similar problem.

Last, but not least, did you try to add a reference to the SQLite.Inetrop.dll (in the references)? References -> add -> just browse to where your SQLite is, select view all, and add a reference to the Interop.dll as well)


I am using VS2017 and solved the issue by adding the following task to copy the assembly.

<Target Name="Ensure SQLite assemblies copied" AfterTargets="Build" Condition=" '$(Platform)' == 'x64' ">
  <Copy SourceFiles="$(OutDir)x64\SQLite.Interop.dll" DestinationFolder="$(OutDir)" />