Hi i have made a simple program that plays a video file, i used QT Designer in creating the UI of my program i have manage to make it play a video, and also connecting the seekslider too
my problem now is that. i cant make my volumnSlider work with the phonon player..
in my research this is how to connect it
self.ui.volumeSlider is my volumeslider (using QT Designer)
what im missing is.. what self.audioOutput is?
doing some research i found this codes
self.audioOutput = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.VideoCategory, self)
Phonon.createPath(self.mediaObject, self.audioOutput)
my problem in this is that. the volumnslider is made through codes(but mines is made on QT designer)
i dont know if im doing the wrong thing.. im trying now to find a way to covert this
Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.VideoCategory, self)
to a self.audioOutput that i need. please help me out guys, thanks
This my code on that part
self.audioOutput = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.VideoCategory, self)
Phonon.createPath(self.ui.videoPlayer.mediaObject(), self.audioOutput)
Heres the solution to this problem.. thanks to Avaris.
#self.audioOutput = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.VideoCategory, self)
#Phonon.createPath(self.ui.videoPlayer.mediaObject(), self.audioOutput)
i have commented the first two lines. since its not needed anymore. thanks again