TestNG parallel execution

2019-02-15 09:02发布


I have 4 @Test methods and want to run each of them 3 times. I want to execute this all simultaneously, in 12 threads.

I created a testng.xml file like this

<suite name="Suite1" verbose="1" parallel="methods" thread-count="100">

  <test name="Test1">
      <class name="Tests"/>

  <test name="Test2">
      <class name="Tests"/>

  <test name="Test3">
      <class name="Tests"/>


If I set parallel="methods" TestNG executes 4 test methods in 4 threads for Test1, after that does the same for Test2, and then for Test3. But I do not want to wait for Test1 completion before running Test2. TestNG is able to run Test1, Test2 & Test3 simultaneously (if parallel="tests") but in this case it executes 4 test methods in sequence for each Test.

Is there a way to tell TestNG to not wait at all and start all methods for all Tests in separate threads?


Have the suite run parallel tests and then each test can run parallel methods. Something like:

<suite name="Suite1" verbose="1" parallel="tests" thread-count="10">

  <test name="Test1" parallel="methods" thread-count="4">
      <class name="Tests"/>

  <test name="Test2" parallel="methods" thread-count="4">
      <class name="Tests"/>

  <test name="Test3" parallel="methods" thread-count="4">
      <class name="Tests"/>



If these are the same tests, then you can use invocationCount and threadpoolsize. In your @Test annotation add invocationCount=3 and threadPoolsize as 3. In testng.xml, create just one test (instead of 3), set parallel=methods and thread-count=4.

Hope it helps.


Try using this:

<suite name="suite"  parallel="methods"  thread-count="20">

Hope this helps.

标签: testng