I'm scraping data from the following URL:
There are two sections which contain price: Gulf Coast Gasoline Futures End of Day Settlement Price and Gasoline Daily Price
I want to scrape data from both sections as two different items. Here is the code which I've written:
if dailyPrice:
item['description'] = u''.join(dailyPrice.xpath(".//h1/text()").extract())
item['price'] = u''.join(dailyPrice.xpath(".//span/text()").extract())
item['unit'] = dailyPrice.xpath(".//div/p/text()").extract()[0].split(',')[-1]
regex = re.compile("Source:(.*)",re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE)
result = re.search(regex, u''.join(dailyPrice.xpath(".//div/p/text()").extract()))
if result:
item['source'] = result.group(1).strip()
yield item
if futurePrice:
item['description'] = u''.join(futurePrice.xpath(".//h1/text()").extract())
item['price'] = u''.join(futurePrice.xpath(".//span/text()").extract())
item['unit'] = u''.join(futurePrice.xpath(".//div[2]/table//tr[1]/td/text()").extract())
source = futurePrice.xpath(".//div[2]/table//tr[4]/td/a/text()").extract()
if source:
item['source'] = u' - '.join(source)
item['source'] = ''
yield item
I want to know if this code will work fine or what should be correct way to do this?