I am learning TASM at University, but information regarding TASM on the web seems to be very limited. I have found more information on MASM.
My question is, what is the different between MASM and TASM?
I am learning TASM at University, but information regarding TASM on the web seems to be very limited. I have found more information on MASM.
My question is, what is the different between MASM and TASM?
There aren't so much differences, but there are some. Check out this article: http://faqs.cs.uu.nl/na-dir/assembly-language/x86/borland.html Look for 'ideal' mode; btw, TASM can work with MASM syntax.
TASM = Turbo Assembler (a Borland product)
MASM = Macro Assembler (a Microsoft product)...often mistaken for "Microsoft Assembler"
In terms of raw assembly language, they should be virtually identical, as they both use x86 op-code instructions. The differences "should" be syntactic sugar.
An assembly tutorial that uses TASM:
ArtOfASM reference:
One example I could give is that both assemblers allow the use of "macros", which in some respects is similar to using methods in a higher level language. So you can write a section of assembly code, which accepts some arguments (usually these are set in the registers prior to calling your macro. the macro might be anything between a few lines, to a million lines of assembler...however you might call your macro in just one line...basically MASM and TASM have very small differences, but mostly the same goals, where code re-usability is important.
Its understandable that you cannot find much information on these anymore...they are fast diminishing. Assembly is a niche these days, and many of the old hats have moved onto things like C, C++, and other higher level languages.
You should try looking on YouTube...I can see many TASM tutorials on there...
...A86 assembler...very simple syntax but will compile 64K "command.com" type files.