I'm having problems saving to google drive after printing a google spreadsheet to pdf.
If i just put the "printurl" string into a browser, it will automatically give me the file. But I want it to be saved to google drive automatically. I've tried this code by borrowing code from other posts that emails a spreadsheet as PDF. But this produces a pdf that is unable to be opened. What am I doing wrong?
function printpdf() {
var spreadsheet_id="0Aiy1DTQRndx6dDRidXoxNzlXZFhxd2FITTlBbnUybnc";
var settings = '&fitw=true&portrait=false&exportFormat=pdf&gid=0&gridlines=false';
var printurl = 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/download/spreadsheets/Export? key=' + spreadsheet_id + settings;
var result=UrlFetchApp.fetch(printurl);
var content=result.getContent();
var file=DocsList.createFile("temp",content,"application/pdf");
Here is an update to this question under the new oauth2 format.
Printing spreadsheet to PDF then saving file in Drive using OAuth2
You can do it in a much simpler fashion
function printpdf(){
var spreadsheet_id="0Aiy1DTQRndx6dDRidXoxNzlXZFhxd2FITTlBbnUybnc";
var spreadsheetFile = DocsList.getFileById(spreadsheet_id);
var blob = spreadsheetFile.getAs('application/pdf');
Note that the DocsList.createFile(blob) works only with Google Apps accounts.
did you mean it like that?
var id = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId();
var sheetName = getConfig(SHEET_NAME_CELL);
var dataSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetName);
if (!dataSheet) {
Browser.msgBox("Can't find sheet named:" + sheetName);
var dataSheetIndex = dataSheet.getSheetId();
//this is three level authorization
var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("google");
//even better code
var requestData = {
"method": "GET",
"oAuthServiceName": "google",
"oAuthUseToken": "always"
var url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/download/spreadsheets/Export?key=" + id + "&gid=" + dataSheetIndex + "&fitw=true&size=A4&portrait=true&sheetnames=false&printtitle=false&exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf&gridlines=false";
//Save File to Google Drive
var seplogoBlob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, requestData).getBlob().setName("Filename.pdf");