I've recently finished Section 10 (Signals) of "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment" (3rd edition) and I've come across a piece of code I don't entirely understand:
#include "apue.h"
static volatile sig_atomic_t sigflag; /* set nonzero by sig handler */
static sigset_t newmask, oldmask, zeromask;
static void
sig_usr(int signo) /* one signal handler for SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 */
sigflag = 1;
if (signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr) == SIG_ERR)
err_sys("signal(SIGUSR1) error");
if (signal(SIGUSR2, sig_usr) == SIG_ERR)
err_sys("signal(SIGUSR2) error");
sigaddset(&newmask, SIGUSR1);
sigaddset(&newmask, SIGUSR2);
/* Block SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2, and save current signal mask */
if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newmask, &oldmask) < 0)
err_sys("SIG_BLOCK error");
TELL_PARENT(pid_t pid)
kill(pid, SIGUSR2); /* tell parent we're done */
while (sigflag == 0)
sigsuspend(&zeromask); /* and wait for parent */
sigflag = 0;
/* Reset signal mask to original value */
if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldmask, NULL) < 0)
err_sys("SIG_SETMASK error");
TELL_CHILD(pid_t pid)
kill(pid, SIGUSR1); /* tell child we're done */
while (sigflag == 0)
sigsuspend(&zeromask); /* and wait for child */
sigflag = 0;
/* Reset signal mask to original value */
if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldmask, NULL) < 0)
err_sys("SIG_SETMASK error");
The routines above are used (as you certainly know) to synchronize processes using signals. Although I understand every single line on its own, I can't see (understand) the big picture. The code itself is used it the following scenario: to avoid a race condition in our program, after we fork(), we make the child process TELL_PARENT and WAIT_PARENT, and then we do the same to the parent with TELL_CHILD and WAIT_CHILD. My questions are:
1.) How can a child communicate with its parent through a variable while both of them work with their own set (copy) of variables? Is it because the child doesn't modify sigflag directly but through a signal handler (the same goes for the parent)? 2.) Why do we need to block SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 and then unblock it with sigprocmask?
A program that uses three of those routines could be (taken from the book):
#include "apue.h"
static void charatatime(char *);
pid_t pid;
if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
err_sys("fork error");
} else if (pid == 0) {
WAIT_PARENT(); /* parent goes first */
charatatime("output from child\n");
} else {
charatatime("output from parent\n");
static void
charatatime(char *str)
char *ptr;
int c;
setbuf(stdout, NULL); /* set unbuffered */
for (ptr = str; (c = *ptr++) != 0; )
putc(c, stdout);