I have Vaadin 7 code to give the user an option to download a file:
Button btnDownloadResults = new Button("Download Results", FontAwesome.CLOUD_DOWNLOAD);
resource = new StreamResource(new MyStreamResource(), suggestedSaveAsFilename);
new FileDownloader(resource).extend(btnDownloadResults);
I would like to trigger code when the download has succeeded, or even if the download manages to start. Uses for this include closing a window, starting a progress spinner, or incrementing a download count.
Unlike the Vaadin Upload component, the FileDownloader does not have any listeners for finding out when a file download fails, succeeds, or starts.
Here is a simplified version of my StreamResouce subclass:
public class MyStreamResource implements StreamSource {
public InputStream getStream() {
String filename = /* code to determine the filename */;
try {
final File results = new File(FilenameUtils.normalize(filename));
return new FileInputStream(results);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
String errorMsg = "Cannot download results. Try again later, or contact your sysadmin.";
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Note that the getStream method returns before the user has even been prompted where to save the file (which they can choose to cancel.) So I can't trigger anything from inside that method.
One suggestion I got was to subclass the FileDownloader as follows:
FileDownloader fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(fileInputStream) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4584979099145066535L;
public boolean handleConnectorRequest(VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response, String path) throws IOException {
boolean result = super.handleConnectorRequest(request, response, path);
if (result) {
return result;
} ;
Again, this fires too soon (and the boolean result is always true, even if my StreamSource returns null.)
Any suggestions?