I am working on a vb.net COM interop to work in Microsoft Excel and I am having trouble passing arrays from vb to vb.net. I have a PointPairs
property in the vb.net code that I need to set from vb and I am having trouble passing the 2 dimensional array. I have tried both setting the property explicitly with a 2D array as well as passing two 1D arrays into a Sub to try and set the property in vb.net, but nothing I have tried seems to work.
vb.net code:
Public Property PointPairs() As Double(,)
Return array
End Get
Set(ByVal Value(,) As Double)
End Set
End Property
Public Sub SetPointPairs(ByRef spline As Spline, ByRef xValues() As Double, _
ByRef yValues() As Double)
Dim Value(,) As Double
ReDim Value(1, UBound(xValues, 1))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(xValues, 1)
Value(0, i) = xValues(i)
Value(1, i) = yValues(i)
spline.PointPairs = Value
End Sub
vb code:
Dim spline1 As New Spline
Dim points(), xValues(), yValues() As Double
'read input from excel cells into points() array/add x and y values to respective arrays
spline1.PointPairs = points 'first method (doesn't work)
Call SetPointPairs(spline1, xValues, yValues) 'second method (doesn't work)
Everything is being exported correctly by vb.net and the properties/subs/functions are visible in the Object Browser in vba, however when I try to pass arrays in these two approaches I get error messages Function or interfaces markes as restricted, or the function uses an automation type not supported in Visual Basic
or Sub or Function not defined
. I have also tried using <MarshalAs()>
but I have never used it before and can't find much documentation on how to use it for passing arrays between vb and vb.net.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or solutions