I'm working on a CloudKit-based app that uses CKSubscription notifications to keep track of changes to a public database. Whenever the app receives a push notification I check the notification queue with CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation and mark each notification read after processing it:
__block NSMutableArray *notificationIds = [NSMutableArray new];
CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation *operation = [[CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation alloc] initWithPreviousServerChangeToken:self.serverChangeToken];
operation.notificationChangedBlock = ^(CKNotification *notification) {
[notificationIds addObject:notification.notificationID];
[self processRemoteNotification:notification withCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
__weak CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation *operationLocal = operation;
operation.fetchNotificationChangesCompletionBlock = ^(CKServerChangeToken *serverChangeToken, NSError *operationError) {
if (operationError) {
NSLog(@"Unable to fetch queued notifications: %@", operationError);
else {
self.serverChangeToken = serverChangeToken;
// Mark the processed notifications as read so they're not delivered again if the token gets reset.
CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation *markReadOperation = [[CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation alloc] initWithNotificationIDsToMarkRead:[notificationIds copy]];
[notificationIds removeAllObjects];
markReadOperation.markNotificationsReadCompletionBlock = ^(NSArray *notificationIDsMarkedRead, NSError *operationError) {
if (operationError) {
NSLog(@"Unable to mark notifications read: %@", operationError);
else {
NSLog(@"%lu notifications marked read.", (unsigned long)[notificationIDsMarkedRead count]);
[[CKContainer defaultContainer] addOperation:markReadOperation];
if (operationLocal.moreComing) {
NSLog(@"Fetching more");
[self checkNotificationQueueWithCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
[[CKContainer defaultContainer] addOperation:operation];
As I understand it marking a notification read will keep it from showing up in future queue fetches, even if the server change token is reset to nil. Instead I'm getting a lot of old notifications in every fetch with a non-nil change token when there should only be 1 or 2 new ones. I can detect the old ones from the notificationType flag, but I'm concerned that they're showing up at all. Am I missing a step somewhere?