I programed the windows service to do a routine work.
I InstallUtil
it to windows service and it'will wake up and do something and then thread.sleep(5min)
The code is simple, but I've noticed a potential memory leak. I traced it using DOS tasklist
and drew a chart:
Can I say that it's pretty clear there was memory leak, although so little.
My code is like below, Please help me to find the potential leak. Thanks.
public partial class AutoReport : ServiceBase
int Time = Convert.ToInt32(AppSettings["Time"].ToString());
private Utilities.RequestHelper requestHelper = new RequestHelper();
public AutoReport()
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoWork));
protected override void OnStop()
public void DoWork(object data)
while (true)
string jsonOutStr = requestHelper.PostDataToUrl("{\"KeyString\":\"somestring\"}", "http://myurl.ashx");
Edit: After using WinDbg @Russell suggested. What should I do to these classes?
MT Count TotalSize ClassName
79330b24 1529 123096 System.String
793042f4 471 41952 System.Object[]
79332b54 337 8088 System.Collections.ArrayList
79333594 211 70600 System.Byte[]
79331ca4 199 3980 System.RuntimeType
7a5e9ea4 159 2544 System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase+NameObjectEntry
79333274 143 30888 System.Collections.Hashtable+bucket[]
79333178 142 7952 System.Collections.Hashtable
79331754 121 57208 System.Char[]
7a5d8120 100 4000 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult
00d522e4 95 5320 System.Configuration.FactoryRecord
00d54d60 76 3952 System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty
7a5df92c 74 2664 System.Net.CoreResponseData
7a5d8060 74 5032 System.Net.WebHeaderCollection
79332d70 73 876 System.Int32
79330c60 73 1460 System.Text.StringBuilder
79332e4c 72 2016 System.Collections.ArrayList+ArrayListEnumeratorSimple
7.93E+09 69 1380 Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeTokenHandle
7a5e0d0c 53 1060 System.Net.HeaderInfo
7a5e4444 53 2120 System.Net.TimerThread+TimerNode
79330740 52 624 System.Object
7a5df1d0 50 2000 System.Net.AuthenticationState
7a5e031c 50 5800 System.Net.ConnectStream
7aa46f78 49 588 System.Net.ConnectStreamContext
793180f4 48 960 System.IntPtr[]