I'm trying to write a QML plugin that reads frames from a video (using a custom widget to do that task, NOT QtMultimedia/Phonon), and each frame is converted to a QImage
RGB888, and then displayed on a QGLWidget
(for performance reasons). Right now nothing is draw to the screen and the screen stays white all the time.
It's important to state that I already have all of this working without QGLWidget
, so I know the issue is setting up and drawing on QGLWidget.
The plugin is being registered with:
so Video
is the main class of the plugin. On it's constructor we have:
Video::Video(QDeclarativeItem* parent)
: QDeclarativeItem(parent), d_ptr(new VideoPrivate(this))
setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents, false);
QDeclarativeView* view = new QDeclarativeView;
view->setViewport(&d->canvas()); // canvas() returns a reference to my custom OpenGL Widget
Before I jump to the canvas
object, let me say that I overloaded Video::paint()
so it calls canvas.paint()
while passing QImage
as parameter, I don't know if this is the right way to do it so I would like some advice on this:
void Video::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
// I know for sure at this point "d->image()" is valid, but I'm hiding the code for clarity
d->canvas().paint(painter, option, d->image());
The canvas
object is declared as GLWidget canvas;
and the header of this class is defined as:
class GLWidget : public QGLWidget
explicit GLWidget(QWidget* parent = NULL);
void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QImage* image);
Seems pretty simple. Now, the implementation of QGLWidget
is the following:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget* parent)
: QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::SampleBuffers), parent)
// Should I do something here?
// Maybe setAutoFillBackground(false); ???
And finally:
void GLWidget::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QImage* image)
// I ignore painter because it comes from Video, so I create a new one:
QPainter gl_painter(this);
// Perform drawing as Qt::KeepAspectRatio
gl_painter.fillRect(QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(this->width(), this->height())), Qt::black);
QImage scaled_img = image->scaled(QSize(this->width(), this->height()), _ar, Qt::FastTransformation);
gl_painter.drawImage(qRound(this->width()/2) - qRound(scaled_img.size().width()/2),
qRound(this->height()/2) - qRound(scaled_img.size().height()/2),
What am I missing?
I originally asked this question on Qt Forum but got no replies.