I have a kendo date picker that is constructed as follows:
format: "yyyy-MM-dd",
footer: " ",
parseFormats: ["MM/dd/yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy"]
I would like to use the kendo validator to validate that the date contains a valid date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd. I have tried this:
<input type="date" id="date" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd" name="date" required data-required-msg="Please enter a date." data-date-msg="Please enter a valid date."/>
While the validator does correctly validate the "required" condition, it does not seem to validate that the date is in the correct format or is a valid date. For instance, "abc" passes as a valid date as does 2013-18-85. How can I use the validator to ensure a valid date in the correct format?
If you want to validate
a date
you need to define a rule (no built-in rule).
Try defining:
rules: {
date: function (input) {
var d = kendo.parseDate(input.val(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
return d instanceof Date;
NOTE: Remember that KendoUI first uses parseFormats
option for parsing the date, then converts it to the format
option and finally run validations. That's why I use in validation yyyy-MM-dd
and not ["MM/dd/yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy"]
The answer is:
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/kendo/2015.2.805/kendo.aspnetmvc.min.js")"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
kendo.ui.validator.rules.mvcdate = function (input) {
//use the custom date format here
//kendo.parseDate - http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/kendo#methods-parseDate
return !input.is("[data-val-date]") || input.val() === "" || kendo.parseDate(input.val(), "@(MvcApplication.AppCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern)") !== null;
Here is more information: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/aspnet-mvc/validation