I want to mimic the functionality of a notebook server, and instead coordinate the creation/management of different IPython/Jupyter kernels from a central body of logic (i.e. my own Python script).
For example, I want to:
- Define an abstract command e.g. "add(x, y)"
- Communicate the abstract command to multiple kernels e.g. an IPython kernel and Scala kernel
- Have each kernel execute the command however they wish
- Return the result from each kernel to the central body of logic
Can anyone point me in the direction of how to programmatically start/stop/communicate with multiple IPython/Jupyter kernels?
A KernelManager deals with starting and stopping a single kernel, and there's a MultiKernelManager to co-ordinate more than one.
- http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/3/api/generated/IPython.kernel.manager.html
- http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/3/api/generated/IPython.kernel.multikernelmanager.html
Then you can use the .client()
method to get a KernelClient instance which handles communications with a kernel:
- http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/3/api/generated/IPython.kernel.client.html
For details of how you communicate with a kernel, see the message spec docs. Some of this is abstracted away by KernelClient, but you'll probably need to know some of it.