Special characters in the subject line of the mail getting converted in to question marks or boxes.
I have tried to wrap the dynamic string of the subject line in URLEncodedFormat , however ended up in vain.
<cfset strSubject= URLEncodedFormat(s)>
Assuming the special characters are unicode charactes, you will have to encode the string to a base64 format and use that in the subject line. Like this,
<cfset strSubject="Demande d’chantillons supplémentaires">
<cfset strSubject=ToBase64(strSubject, "utf-8")>
<cfmail from="test@test.com" to="test@test.com" subject="=?utf-8?B?#strSubject#?=" type="html">
The subject line must be in the format =?<charset>?<encoding>?<encoded text>?=
The ?
and =
are required.
MIME - Encoded Word
"charset" may be any character set registered with IANA. Typically
it would be the same charset as the message body.
"encoding" can be either "Q" denoting Q-encoding that is similar
to the quoted-printable encoding, or "B" denoting base64 encoding.
"encoded text" is the Q-encoded or base64-encoded text.
Also: add charset="utf-8" to the cfmail tag. If you are using utf-8 in the subject, you will probably also use it in the body.