I am adding background images to my div like this
ng-style="{'background-image' : 'url('+ myvariable.for.image +')'}">
where myvariable.for.image is a url like /examplesite/image/id
This works fine with one exception, if the image is not there it just doesnt do anything and my background looks too bla...If the image doesnt exist I want to be able to replace it with a default image.
But I cant seem to figure out how
Instead of ngStyle
I'd use a custom directive for this. Such as the following. This checks to see if an attribute is provided, if so it attempts to load that image. If it loads an image then we set the background image to it, otherwise we use a default image.
myApp.directive('bgImage', function () {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
attr.$observe('bgImage', function() {
if (!attr.bgImage) {
// No attribute specified, so use default
} else {
var image = new Image();
image.src = attr.bgImage;
image.onload = function() {
//Image loaded- set the background image to it
image.onerror = function() {
//Image failed to load- use default
Used like this:
<div bg-image="{{person.src}}">
demo fiddle
<div err-bg-src='{{default_business_logo_wd}}' ng-style="{'background-image' : 'url('+ifNull(place.logo_wd,default_business_logo_wd)+')'}" id="perfilEstablecimiento-container10" class="place-header">
<div id="perfilEstablecimiento-container13" class="place-title-container">
<h4 id="perfilEstablecimiento-heading1" class="place-title">{{place.name}}</h4>
Using a $timeout inside that custom directive worked for me.
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs)
var image = new Image();
var style=window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(attrs.id)).backgroundImage;
var url=style.slice(5,style.length-2);
image.src = url;
image.onerror = function()