I have been searching for a way to start and terminate a long-running "batch jobs" in python. Right now I'm using "os.system()" to launch a long-running batch job inside each child process. As you might have guessed, "os.system()" spawns a new process inside that child process (grandchild process?), so I cannot kill the batch job from the grand-parent process. To provide some visualization of what I have just described:
Main (grandparent) process, with PID = AAAA
|------> child process with PID = BBBB
|------> os.system("some long-running batch file)
[grandchild process, with PID = CCCC]
So, my problem is I cannot kill the grandchild process from the grandparent...
My question is, is there a way to start a long-running batch job inside a child process, and being able to kill that batch job by just terminating the child process? What are the alternatives to os.system() that I can use so that I can kill the batch-job from the main process ?
Thanks !!