I've this programme
dens <- read.table('DensPiu.csv', header = FALSE)
fl <- read.table('FluxPiu.csv', header = FALSE)
mydata <- data.frame(c(dens),c(fl))
dat = subset(mydata, dens>=3.15)
colnames(dat) <- c("x", "y")
and I want to do a least-square regression on the data contained in dat, the function has the form
y ~ a + b*x
and I want the regression line to pass through a specific point P(x0,y0) (which is not the origin).
I'm trying to do it like this
x0 <- 3.15
y0 <-283.56
regression <- lm(y ~ I(x-x0)-1, offset=y0)
(I think that data = dat is not necessary in this case) but I have this error :
Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ I(x - x0) - 1, : variable
lengths differ (found for '(offset)').
I don't know why. I guess that I haven't defined correctly the offset value but I couldn't find any example on the internet.
Can anybody explain me how offset works please?