I have a basic MS Access application that has a button on a form that should open a webpage with the ID of the Access record as the parameter, but everything I have tried results either in an error by Access or only the base URL opening in the web page.
I have tried adding VBA to the button's click event as so:
Application.FollowHyperlink _
"http://example.com/index.php?r=controller/action&id=" & Me.ID
but all I get is the base URL opening on the web browser (ie http://example.com). If I remove the '?' and the '&' from the full URL the button will open the browser with the full URL minus the '?' and the '&', which of course errors the page.
I have tried setting a hyperlink control's property as:
="http://example.com/index.php?r=controller/action&id=" & Me.ID
but it does the same thing as noted above.
I have tried creating a Macro with the same results. I have tried using the Hyperlink Builder and using [formName]![id]
as the parameter but same thing happens or Access errors.
I have read this article: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff822080.aspx and tried adding the part in the URl after 'index.php/ to the ExtraInfo place in the code, but same thing.
Help! It can't be that hard to simply have Access open a URL with a parameter on the end of the URL.