I am working on a project using rMarkdown
and the flexdashboard
package from rStudio
. Everything is coming together nicely. But I would like to remove the blue title bar you see at the top of the image here.
We are dropping this html page into a window so it becomes a second title bar, which looks terrible. Is there a function in flexdashboard
to remove this entire apparatus?
Here is the YAML and the first chunk you see just below the blue bar in the photograph. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
title: New Hampshire Statewide Age Adjusted Incedence Rates of Lyme
orientation: rows
```{r setup, include=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=TRUE}
```{r, aarState, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
#load state-wide age adjusted rates
figure(title=" Age Adjusted Rates by Year",width= 1500, height =600) %>%
ly_segments(year, lci*100000, year, uci*100000, data=aar, color = "#b37700", width = 1) %>%
ly_points(year, adj.rate*100000, glyph = 21, size=6, data = aar, hover= "<strong>Rate per 100,000:</strong> @rateHundThou </br> <strong>Upper Confidence:</strong> @uciHT </br><strong> Lower Confidence:</strong> @lciHT " , color="#666622" )%>%
x_axis(label ='Year')%>%
y_axis(label ='Age Adjusted Rate')