Unable to generate difference from liquibase gradl

2019-02-13 23:27发布


I'm trying to implement liquibase in an existing SpringBoot project with MYSQL database. I want to be able to generate changesets which specify the differences when an entity is changed.

What I've done:

I've added liquibase dependencies and the gradle liquibase plugin in my build.gradle file. After making a domain change, I've run gradle generateChangeLog. The command executes successfully but nothing happens.

I read somewhere that this gradle plugin works only for the inmemory h2 database? Is that true? If yes then what alternative should I use to generate changelogs automatically.

I could not find a working SpringBoot gradle based example which uses MYSQL and has liquibase implemented WITH automatic change generation ability. It would be great if someone could provide that.





The solutions is to write a gradle task which invokes liquibase diffChangeLog

Create a liquibase.gradle file in the project root directory, add liquibase-hibernate extension and write a gradle task that invokes the liquibase diffChangeLog command.

configurations {

dependencies {
  liquibase group: 'org.liquibase.ext', name: 'liquibase-hibernate4', version: 3.5

//loading properties file.
Properties liquibaseProps = new Properties()
liquibaseProps.load(new FileInputStream("src/main/resources/liquibase-task.properties"))

Properties applicationProps = new Properties()
applicationProps.load(new FileInputStream("src/main/resources/application.properties"))

task liquibaseDiffChangelog(type: JavaExec) {
  group = "liquibase"

  classpath sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
  classpath configurations.liquibase
  main = "liquibase.integration.commandline.Main"

  args "--changeLogFile=" + liquibaseProps.getProperty('liquibase.changelog.path')+ buildTimestamp() +"_changelog.xml"
  args "--referenceUrl=hibernate:spring:" + liquibaseProps.getProperty('liquibase.domain.package') + "?dialect=" + applicationProps.getProperty('spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect')
  args "--username=" + applicationProps.getProperty('spring.datasource.username')
  args "--password=" + applicationProps.getProperty('spring.datasource.password')
  args "--url=" + applicationProps.getProperty('spring.datasource.url')
  args "--driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
  args "diffChangeLog"

def buildTimestamp() {
  def date = new Date()
  def formattedDate = date.format('yyyyMMddHHmmss')
  return formattedDate

NOTE: I have used properties files to pass arguments to the liquibase command, you could add the values directly, but that would not be a good practice.

Next, you would need to apply the liquibase.gradle file from within the project's build.gradle file. and add the liquibase dependency

apply from: 'liquibase.gradle'
//code omitted
dependencies {
    compile (group: 'org.liquibase', name: 'liquibase-core', version: "3.4.2")

After this step liquibase would be setup completely.

You can now use gradle liquibaseDiffChangeLog to generate changelogs.


You can have the Custom task as mentioned by @Hazim and liquibase gradle plugin as well for doing things apart from generating a diff. Check out this post. Git Issue