I want to start using the new ActionBar
of the appcompat-v7
support library, and I'm using maven. I tried to create an apklib. These are the steps I followed:
- Create a ZIP file of the project
- Rename the ZIP file with an APKLIB extension.
- Install the APKLIB file into my local repository:
install:install-file -Dfile=appcombat.apklib -DgroupId=android.support
-DartifactId=appcompat -Dversion=18 -Dpackaging=apklib
Start using the library from my android project adding this dependency in the pom:
But it's not working. I'm getting an error of missing artifact.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The is a way to install appcompat into your local repository without relying on Maven SDK deployer...
From the Android SDK Manager, install the 'Android Support Repository' option.
go into your SDK folder, then into ./extras/m2Repository/com/android/support/appcompat-v7/18.0.0
open the appcompat-v7-18.0.0.aar file and copy the classes.jar out to a file named appcompat-v7-18.0.0.jar
at the command line go into the same m2Repository folder and run the following commands:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile="./com/android/support/appcompat-v7/18.0.0/appcompat-v7-18.0.0.jar"/ -DpomFile="./com/android/support/appcompat-v7/18.0.0/appcompat-v7-18.0.0.pom"/ -Dpackaging="jar"
mvn install:install-file -Dfile="./com/android/support/appcompat-v7/18.0.0/appcompat-v7-18.0.0.aar"/ -DpomFile="./com/android/support/appcompat-v7/18.0.0/appcompat-v7-18.0.0.pom"/ -Dpackaging="apklib"
Then add the following two dependencies in your project's POM
The apklib generated with maven-android-sdk-deployer works fine for me.
I have put these dependencies on pom file but it says to put android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" at manifest while clean and build and I put it on manifest but still I got same error.But when i change
it compiles and run on android but android manifest still shows red line on android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" in eclipse.So I don't know what to do to remove this red line error on eclipse on manifest file