The only solid example I could find for Dart Polymer doesn't use any parameters. How can I pass parameters to the template. Is it done through the constructor?
My specific example is that I have a card element with a title, and I want to pass the title of the card as a string to the element.
I have looked at Passing data to a Polymer element
but this is not exactly what I want to do. I want to pass data from within dart code.
The constructor of elements is called from Polymer and there is no way to pass parameters.
You can as @Vloz wrote, assign values after the element was created or you can use binding as in the question you linked (Passing data to a Polymer element) using bindings.
If you are creating a custom element you can use a factory constructor:
class MyElement extends HtmlElement {
int _foo;
factory MyElement(int foo) => new Element.tag('my-tag').._foo = foo;
MyElement.created() {
// Careful _foo has not been assigned yet.
main() {
document.register('my-tag', MyElement);
var element = new MyElement(42);
I assume this also works for PolymerElements, but I haven't tried this myself.
even though this is a bit old: You actually can pass parameters like this:
<my-custom-element booleanAttr valueAttr="test"></my-custom-element>
And your custom element should look something like:
class MyCustomElement extends PolymerElement {
@published bool booleanAttr;
@published String valueAttr;
-- EDIT --
But as already pointed out this can be easily done for polymerelements with a factory:
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import 'dart:html';
class MyCustomElement extends PolymerElement {
String a;
factory MyCustomElement.custom(String _a) {
MyCustomElemente = new Element.tag('my-custom-element');
e..a = _a
// ...
return e;
MyCustomElement.created() : super.created() {
void initialized() {
print("initialized: " + a);