I have an angular app using version 5.2 which is throwing the following error when building for production (does not throw the error when running the app locally or running a standard build.)
ERROR in Either route or analyzedModules has to be specified!
Upon research the error is thrown by the ahead of time compiler but I'm not sure what could be causing it, if anyone has suggestions of where to look that would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: As requested here is the error stack
ng build --prod
Date: 2018-05-17T10:23:10.379Z Hash: a96f44ca3fbe47707a02 Time: 10740ms chunk {0} runtime.6afe30102d8fe7337431.js (runtime) 1.05 kB [entry] [rendered] chunk {1} styles.5283ab92ad436ab9264c.css (styles) 116 kB [initial] [rendered] chunk {2} polyfills.bb453547f4804812c2d3.js (polyfills) 130 bytes [initial] [rendered] chunk {3} main.324541d43b39aaa6d019.js (main) 128 bytes [initial] [rendered]
ERROR in Either route or analyzedModules has to be specified!