I am using Play Framework 2 for Java and Bootstrap Helper in my project and I want to apply active
class on sidebar link click. I am using side nav bar for navigation and by default one link is always has active
class on page load, so thats why in every time only one link is highlighted as a active link, but how to change the class="active"
on route or link change, is there any way to check the route path is our html scala template file.
Here are my side bar navigation code.
<ul class="nav nav-list">
<li class="active"><a href="/menu1">Menu1</a></li>
<li><a href="/menu2">Menu2</a></li>
<li><a href="/menu3">Menu3</a></li>
Here are my routes
GET /menu1 com.demo.project.controllers.DemoController.menu1()
GET /menu2 com.demo.project.controllers.DemoController.menu2()
GET /menu3 com.demo.project.controllers.DemoController.menu3()
Please give me some suggestion on it!