Glassfish 3.1.1 suddenly stopped writing to server

2019-02-13 17:42发布


I changed one of the log levels in the admin console, and Glassfish 3.1.1 stopped writing anything into the domain1/logs/server.log. I since reverted the change and tried restarting the server a couple times. Here's the last thing it logged:

_ThreadName=Thread-7;|com.sun.webui.jsf.component.DropDown::The current value of component form1:basicTable:rowGroup1:6:col3:level does not match any of the selections. 
Did you forget to reset the value after changing the options? |#]


Maybe you encountered Glassfish-18205 bug. GFFileHandler logging level might be set to "OFF".

Try to set it to a different level with CLI:

asadmin set-log-levels com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler=ALL

You could use the admin console as well, but the drop down menu there doesn't allow to select the log level "ALL" (although this is a valid log level). Choose one of the other options there.