I'm trying to add a .css file that targets Windows Mobile, and as media="handheld"
does nothing for this device I've followed instructions from an official Windows Phone site, which sum up to this:
<!--[if IEMobile 7]>
<p>Welcome to Internet Explorer Mobile.</p>
<![if !IEMobile 7]>
<p>All other browsers</p>
The Problem
As expected, in Firefox and desktop version of Internet Explorer this displays what it should: "All other browsers".
Unfortunately, my Windows Phone 7 also displays "All other browsers". I tried with and without "7" in the conditional comment, same result.
There is nothing else in my .html that could be causing problems, because I'm testing on this:
<p>Does work</p>
<!--[if IEMobile 7]>
<p>Welcome to Internet Explorer Mobile.</p>
<![if !IEMobile 7]>
<p>All other browsers</p>
The online version of this is temporarily here.
I copy pasted the code from the official site, and my Internet Explorer settings on WP7 specifies Mobile Version as preferred version. I also have that Mango update.
In an perishablepress.com article I've read that specifying media="Screen"
(capitalizing the S) on a normal, non-handheld stylesheet declaration will force WP7 to use the media="handheld"
declaration, however this didn't work for me.
Does anyone have experience with targeting WP7 with a .css? If yes, what is your solution?
Bear in mind that I'm really looking for how to make WP7 select a mobile version of the .css, not how to solve the conditional comment problem. Thank you for your time!
I've added a javascript (thank you w3schools.com) to ask for the browser information (with 'navigator'), this is what I get for my device (Samsung Omnia, btw):
Does work
All other browsers
Browser CodeName: Mozilla
Browser Name: Microsoft Internet Explorer
Browser Version: 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows Phone OS 7.5; Trident/5.0; IEMobile/9.0; SAMSUNG; OMNIA7)
Cookies Enabled: true
Platform: Win32
User-agent header: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows Phone OS 7.5; Trident/5.0; IEMobile/9.0; SAMSUNG; OMNIA7)