Is there any way that you can combine predicates?
Lets say I have something like this:
class MatchBeginning : public binary_function<CStdString, CStdString, bool>
{ public:
bool operator()(const CStdString &inputOne, const CStdString &inputTwo) const
{ return inputOne.substr(0, inputTwo.length()).compare(inputTwo) == 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CStdString myString("foo -b ar -t az");
vector<CStdString> tokens;
// splits the string every time it encounters a "-"
split(myString, tokens, "-", true, true);
vector<CStdString>::iterator searchResult = find_if(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), not1(bind2nd(MatchBeginning(), "-")));
return 0;
This works, but now I'd like to do something like:
searchResult = find_if(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), bind2nd(MatchBeginning(), "-b") || not1(bind2nd(MatchBeginning(), "-")));
So I'd like to find the first string that starts with "-b" or the first string that does not start with "-". However, this gives me an error (binary '||' undefined).
Is there any way to do this?
I can recommend boost.lambda for combining function-objects for such tasks. Although it is a bit heavyweight for such a simple problem. (edit) See the community wiki answer started by xhantt for a good example using STL.
(old, deprecated, answer) You can write your own utility for this, similar:
// here we define the combiner...
template<class Left, class Right>
class lazy_or_impl {
Left m_left;
Right m_right;
lazy_or_impl(Left const& left, Right const& right) : m_left(left), m_right(right) {}
typename Left::result_type operator()(typename Left::argument_type const& a) const {
return m_left(a) || m_right(a);
// and a helper function which deduces the template arguments
// (thx to xtofl to point this out)
template<class Left, class Right>
lazy_or_impl<Left, Right> lazy_or(Left const& left, Right const& right) {
return lazy_or_impl<Left, Right>(left, right);
and then use it: ... lazy_or(bind1st(...), bind1st(...)) ...
Well you have std::logical_or and std::compose2 that can do the job
find_if(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(),
bind2nd(MatchBeginning(), "-b"),
bind2nd(MatchBeginning(), "-")
but I think that boost::lambda and/or phoenix are more readable in the end, and are my recommended solution.
Credits should go to SGI documentation.
If you want to compose predicates, the nicest way to write it is probably using the Boost Lambda or Boost Phoenix:
// Lambda way:
// Needs:
// #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
// #include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
using namespace boost::lambda;
foo_vec::const_iterator it
= std::find_if(
bind(MatchBeginning(), _1, "-b") || !bind(MatchBeginning(), _1, "-")
// Boost bind way:
// Needs:
// #include <boost/bind.hpp>
foo_vec::const_iterator it
= std::find_if(
boost::bind(MatchBeginning(), _1, "-b"),
!boost::bind(MatchBeginning(), _1, "-") // ! overloaded in bind
For the Phoenix way one of the possibilities is to use phoenix lazy functions, and the solution could look similar to the one below:
// Requires:
// #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
// #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_function.hpp>
// #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
struct match_beginning_impl
template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
struct result
typedef bool type;
template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
bool operator()(Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2) const
// Do stuff
phx::function<match_beginning_impl> match_beginning;
using phx::arg_names::arg1;
foo_vec::const_iterator it
= std::find_if(
match_beginning(arg1, "-b") || !match_beginning(arg1, "-")
However to accomplish your task it probably makes more sense to employ different tools - for example: regular expressions (Boost Regex or Boost Xpressive). If you want to handle the command line options then use Boost Program Options.