i am working c# windows form application and also in crystal report.i am retriving the date from database in datetime format but i like display date only in report,Is any formula field in crystal report help for me for this problem.Thanks in Advance.
If the datetime is in field (not a formula) then you can format it:
- Right click on the field -> Format Editor
- Date and Time tab
- Select date/time formatting you desire (or click customize)
If the datetime is in a formula:
ToText({MyDate}, "dd-MMM-yyyy")
//Displays 31-Jan-2010
ToText({MyDate}, "dd-MM-yyyy")
//Displays 31-01-2010
ToText({MyDate}, "dd-MM-yy")
//Displays 31-01-10
In crystal report formulafield date function aavailable there pass your date-time format in that You Will get the Date only here
Example: Date({MyTable.dte_QDate})
In case the formatting needs to be done on Crystal Report side.
Simple way.
Crystal Report Design Window->Right click on the date field->format Field->Customize the date format per your need.
Works effectively.
In selection formula try this
Date(Year({datetimefield}), Month({datetimefield}), Day({datetimefield}))
This formula works for me:
// Converts CR TimeDate format to AssignDate for WeightedAverageDate calculation.
Date( Year({DWN00500.BUDDT}), Month({DWN00500.BUDDT}), Day({DWN00500.BUDDT}) ) - CDate(1899, 12, 30)
if it is just a format issue use ToShortDateString()
There are many ways you can do this. You can just use what is described here or you can do myDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
There are plenty of help for this topic in the MSDN documentation.
You could also write you own DateExtension class which will allow you to go something like myDate.ToMyDateFormat();
public static class DateTimeExtensions
public static DateTime ToMyDateFormat(this DateTime d)
return d.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
Sometimes the field is not recognized by crystal reports as DATE, so you can add a formula with function: Date({YourField}), And add it to the report, now when you open the format object dialog you will find the date formatting options.