I am trying to use the length function inside a substring function in a DataFrame
but it gives error
val substrDF = testDF.withColumn("newcol", substring($"col", 1, length($"col")-1))
below is the error
error: type mismatch;
found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
required: Int
I am using 2.1.
Function "expr" can be used:
val data = List("first", "second", "third")
val df = sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF("value")
val result = df.withColumn("cutted", expr("substring(value, 1, length(value)-1)"))
|value |cutted|
|first |firs |
|second|secon |
|third |thir |
You could also use $"COLUMN".substr
val substrDF = testDF.withColumn("newcol", $"col".substr(lit(1), length($"col")-1))
val testDF = sc.parallelize(List("first", "second", "third")).toDF("col")
val result = testDF.withColumn("newcol", $"col".substr(org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit(1), length($"col")-1))
|col |newcol|
|first |firs |
|second|secon |
|third |thir |
You get that error because you the signature of substring
def substring(str: Column, pos: Int, len: Int): Column
The len
argument that you are passing is a Column
, and should be an Int
You may probably want to implement a simple UDF to solve that problem.
val strTail = udf((str: String) => str.substring(1))
testDF.withColumn("newCol", strTail($"col"))
If all you want is to remove the last character of the string, you can do that without UDF as well. By using regexp_replace
| id|name|
| 1|abcd|
| 2|qazx|
testDF.withColumn("newcol", regexp_replace($"name", ".$" , "") ).show
| id|name|newcol|
| 1|abcd| abc|
| 2|qazx| qaz|