
Get all Wikidata items that are an instance of a g

2019-02-13 14:16发布


Wikidata has an item called smartphone model.
I want to get all instances of it.

QUESTION: How to get the identifiers of the instances programmatically, using the live server?

Preferably not including false positives that show up in WhatLinksHere but are in the "Wikidata:" namespace rather than the main namespace.


Your question specifies the "Mediawiki API" but this is not possible.

Wikidata has a SPARQL query service at https://query.wikidata.org

The query that you want is:

PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>

    ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q19723451

This will list the Items that are an 'instance of'(P31) 'smartphone model'(Q19723451) or an 'instance of' a 'subclass of'(P279) 'smartphone model'(Q19723451).


It is not possible yet. (Here is the task if you want to follow the development.)

The best you could to today in Mediawiki API is to use action=query and props=linkshere and filter on namespace like this:


However, there is an external query tool, Wikidata query, that would do exactly what you are asking for with this query:


Just add Q in front of the numbers and you have the item id.