I ask for something which I see impossible and I'll delete question if it is.
I have got method:
public Object convertBy(Function... functions) {
and those functions are :
interface FLines extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public List<String> getLines(String fileName);
interface Join extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public String join(List<String> lines);//lines to join
interface CollectInts extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public List<Integer> collectInts(String s);
interface Sum<T, R> extends Function<T, R> {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R sum(T list);//list of Integers
Abstract methods in those interfaces return values of different types. I pass lambdas to my convertBy
I would like to set convertBy
return type the same as return type of functions[functions.length - 1]
Is this is possible?
I've changed the signature of the method and the signature of the methods inside the interface. It works but only if I do cast in the marked places in the main posted below. The weird things it needs cast only in 3 out of 4 method's invocations, I would like to get rid of casts at all in the main.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class InputConverter<T> {
private T value;
public InputConverter(T value) {
this.value = value;
public <T, R> R convertBy(Function<T, R> special, Function... functions) {
if (functions.length == 0) {
FLines flines = (FLines) special;
return (R) flines.getLines((value instanceof String) ? (String) value : null);
} else if (functions.length == 1) {
FLines flines = (FLines) functions[0];
Join join = (Join) special;
return (R) join.join(flines.getLines((String) value));
} else if (functions.length == 2) {
if (functions[0] instanceof FLines) {
FLines flines = (FLines) functions[0];
Join join = (Join) functions[1];
CollectInts collectInts = (CollectInts) special;
return (R) collectInts.collectInts(join.join(flines.getLines((String) value)));
} else {
Join join = (Join) functions[0];
CollectInts collectInts = (CollectInts) functions[1];
Sum sum = (Sum) special;
return (R) sum.sum(collectInts.collectInts(join.join((List<String>) value)));
} else {
FLines flines = (FLines) functions[0];
Join join = (Join) functions[1];
CollectInts collectInts = (CollectInts) functions[2];
Sum sum = (Sum) special;
return (R) sum.sum(collectInts.collectInts(join.join(flines.getLines((String) value))));
/* public Integer convertBy(Join join, CollectInts collectInts, Sum sum) {
return sum.sum(collectInts.collectInts(join.join((List<String>) value)));
interface FLines<T, R> extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R getLines(T fileName);
// public List<String> getLines(String fileName);
interface Join<T,R> extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R join(T lines);//lines to join
// public String join(List<String> lines);//lines to join
interface CollectInts<T, R> extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R collectInts(T t);
// public List<Integer> collectInts(String s);
interface Sum<T, R> extends Function<T, R> {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R sum(T list);//list of Integers
The main method:
FLines<String, List<String>> flines ....
Join<List<String>, String> join ...
CollectInts<String, List<Integer>> collectInts ...
Sum<List<Integer>, Integer> sum ...
String fname =/* System.getProperty("user.home") + "/*/ "LamComFile.txt";
InputConverter<String> fileConv = new InputConverter<>(fname);
List<String> lines = fileConv.convertBy(flines);//cannot cast from Object to List<String>
String text = fileConv.convertBy( join, flines);//cannot cast from Object to String
List<Integer> ints = fileConv.convertBy(collectInts,flines, join);//cannot cast from Object to List<Integer>
Integer sumints = fileConv.convertBy(sum, flines, join, collectInts);//works without cast!
I don't understand why compiler understands what sum
returns but don't infer what for instance collectInts