This particular page works on Firefox and Chrome. On IE9, I am getting this error: SCRIPT600: Invalid target element for this operation. I noticed this error message discussed in other posts as well but they deals with other problems.
Here is the code that throws the error. I am using trends charts (and highcharts for other tables) for my website.
jsio('import .js.trends');
new js.trends.Table({ // ERROR THROWN ON THIS LINE
target: 'trends_table',
type: 'credits',
noData: 'No credits yet!',
columns: [{
title: 'Date',
src: 'begin_date',
format: 'date'
}, {
title: 'Time',
src: 'begin_date',
format: 'time'
}, {
title: 'Credits Earned',
src: 'credits_earned',
format: 'number'
}, {
title: 'How Earned',
src: 'activity',
format: 'lookup',
values: {
0: 'ABC',
1: 'DEF'
}, {
title: 'Credits Spent',
src: 'credits_spent',
format: 'number'
I am a little confused about the changes that I should make. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.