Does setMinSize() work on containers, GridPane for example? I have found that in my programm GridPane ignores min. size properties while resized manually. Here is the FXML code:
<GridPane fx:id="gp" prefHeight="134.0" prefWidth="238.0" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="javafxapplication12.SampleController">
<ColumnConstraints hgrow="SOMETIMES" minWidth="10.0" prefWidth="100.0" />
<ColumnConstraints hgrow="SOMETIMES" minWidth="10.0" prefWidth="100.0" />
<RowConstraints minHeight="10.0" prefHeight="30.0" vgrow="SOMETIMES" />
<RowConstraints minHeight="10.0" prefHeight="30.0" vgrow="SOMETIMES" />
<RowConstraints minHeight="10.0" prefHeight="30.0" vgrow="SOMETIMES" />
and the controller class
public class SampleController implements Initializable {
private GridPane gp;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
gp.setMinSize(200, 200);
What's wrong here? Should there be some sort of a 'window' max/min size?