
Integration of python in C# Application

2019-02-13 13:35发布


I have the following problem: I got an old application which is written in python. This application allows the user to specify small python steps which will be executed, python steps are basically small python scripts, I call them steps because the execution of this application involves other steps like executing something from commandline. These python steps are stored as python code in an xml file.

Now I want to rewrite the application by using C# .NET. Is there a best practise solution to do something like this?

I don't want to call python as external programm and pass the actual python step(script) to the python interpreter - I want something built in. I just came across IronPython and .NET python but I am not quite sure which one to use. I want to achieve some sort of debugging for the small scripts, that is why the call the interpreter solution is not acceptable.

What is more important is that a lot of those scripts already exist. Therefore I have to use a C# implementation of python which has the same syntax as python as well as the same built in libs of python. Is this even possible?

Thanks and Greetings Xeun


IronPython is what you want. It compiles to .NET bytecode. You can reasonably easily call python code from another .NET language (and the other way around). IronPython is supported in Visual Studio too, I think.


Python scripts can be executed from C# with IronPython.

    var ipy = Python.CreateRuntime();
    dynamic test = ipy.UseFile("Test.py");

See also:





You can use IronPython's ScriptScope.GetVariable to get the actual function and then you can call it like a C# function. Use it like this:

C# code:

var var1, var2 = ...
ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine();
ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope();
engine.ExecuteFile(@"C:\test.py", scope);
dynamic testFunction = scope.GetVariable("test_func");
var result = testFunction(var1,var2);

Python code:

def test_func(var1,var2):
    ...do something...

Took me a while to finally figure it out, and it's quite simple.. And IronPython is free and pretty easy to use. Hope this helps :)