I have a thread that reads characters from a Buffered reader (created from a socket as follows):
inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSock.getInputStream()));
This code works only one time. For example, if a client connects and sends this: "This is a test" and "This is another test", the host output is:
Reading from stream:
Chars read from stream: 16
This is a test
Reading from stream:
Note that the program does not receive "This is another test", because it is stuck on reading the stream. Is there any way of dealing with this without reducing the buffer size? This is the code for the thread:
public void run() {
boolean dataRecieved = false;
char[] inputChars = new char[1024];
int charsRead = 0;
while (!stopNow) {
try {
//Read 1024 characters. Note: This will pause the thread when stream is empty.
System.out.println("Reading from stream:");
charsRead = inputStream.read(inputChars); //<< THIS LINE IS PAUSING THE THREAD!>
if ((charsRead = inputStream.read(inputChars)) != -1)
System.out.println("Chars read from stream: " + charsRead);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Sleep was interrupted.
Code for client/sender (not my code):
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// <<<<<<<<<<< CLIENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Socket sock = new Socket("", 3000);
// reading from keyboard (keyRead object)
BufferedReader keyRead = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
// sending to client (pwrite object)
OutputStream ostream = sock.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter pwrite = new PrintWriter(ostream, true);
// receiving from server ( receiveRead object)
InputStream istream = sock.getInputStream();
BufferedReader receiveRead = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(istream));
System.out.println("Start the chitchat, type and press Enter key");
String receiveMessage, sendMessage;
sendMessage = keyRead.readLine(); // keyboard reading
pwrite.println(sendMessage); // sending to server
System.out.flush(); // flush the data
if((receiveMessage = receiveRead.readLine()) != null) //receive from server
System.out.println(receiveMessage); // displaying at DOS prompt