I am writing an app that listens on a network connection, and when some data arrive, it replies back, and depending on incoming data, it may need to ask user (show dialog) before replying back.
I don't know how to do this cleanly in M-V-VM architecture: the events and binding to observable collections are nice if I need to just update GUI based on incoming data, but what if I actually need an anwer from user before replying back?
And to make things worse, I want to do it synchronously, because I want my reply algorithm to be at one place, not partitioned into multiple callbacks with unclear 'who-calls-who' responsibilities.
Simply, something like
HandleMessage(Message msg){
string reply;
if (msg.type == 1) {
reply = ...
} else {
string question = msg...
reply = ShowModalDialog(question); // MVVM violation!
but I don't want to call view or viewmodel from model, as model needs to be reusable and testable - I don't want popping dialogs in every test run, and it would be violation of MVVM! No events (they are just one-way as far as i know, and have no backwards channel to get reply to event origin) or databinding, as it would be asynchronous.
Is this doable? This is a question I asked several test driven development propagators, and so far, I didn't get practically usable answer. Yet, a need for some additional input in the middle of processing is fairly common.
EDIT: this is application logic, so it clearly belongs to model, and even if in this case it didn't, I'd like to know the solution for cases when I really need user's input in the middle of business logic routine in model.