I am seeing the following error when running my angular2 unit tests using karma with jenkins.
My tests run fine when I run them on my local machine (windows), however when running the test via jenkins on linux I get the following error.
Missing error handler on `socket`.
TypeError: (msg || "").replace is not a function
at /home/hudson/.hudson/jobs/workspace/pjt/node_modules/karma/lib/reporter.js:45:23
My tests are never started any ideas what could be causing this. I took a look at the karma source code and I couldn't figure out why there would be a problem.
return function (msg, indentation) {
// remove domain and timestamp from source files
// and resolve base path / absolute path urls into absolute path
msg = (msg || '').replace(URL_REGEXP, function (_, prefix, path, __, ___, line, ____, column) {
if (prefix === 'base') {
path = basePath + path
// more code here ...
I'm using PhantomJS as the test runner just in case that's relevant both locally and on jenkins.
I'd appreciate any pointers as to what may be the issue.