I'm learning Ada 95 in my programming class, and I would like to install the gnat compiler on my MacBook. I have no clue as to where to get a good gnat to compile my code, and how to install it.
I currently have gedit as my text editor, because that's what we're using in our lab environment. I'm new to the Mac world so any help would be greatly appreciated.
There's an excellent free Ada compiler for Mac OS X available from AdaCore.
You should be OK with the GNAT GPL edition. Follow the Download link - choose Free Software of Academic Development - at the bottom of the page, follow Build your Download Package.
Select your platform as x86_64-darwin
, 2012
. Click on GNAT 2012, then on gnat-gpl-2012-x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0-bin.tar.gz
(this contains all you'll need for the moment).
You'll also need Xcode (free with Mac OS X). Pre-Lion, this was (I think) an optional install on the installation DVD. In Lion or ML, you need to get it from the App Store (in ML it's at Categories > Developer Tools > Xcode). In ML, you also need to install the command line tools: open Xcode, then Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Components, select Install against the Command Line Tools.
I say to install Xcode first, because the GNAT install needs it (you can tell whether the command line tools are installed by saying which make
: if the answer comes back blank, they aren't installed). Anyway, for the GNAT install,
$ cd
$ tar zxvf ~/Downloads/gnat-gpl-2012-x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0-bin.tar.gz
$ cd gnat-gpl-2012-x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0-bin
$ sudo ./doinstall
You don't need the installer after it's finished, so you can delete it.
The defaults install GNAT under /usr/local/gnat
, and you'll need to make sure that /usr/local/gnat/bin
is first on your path (at any rate, ahead of /usr/bin
). I'd edit ~/.bash_profile_common
to add
but I still have trouble knowing which of the ~/.bash*
files do what!
I have OS X Yosemite 10.10.3, and I followed the following steps.
Download GNAT from this place http://libre.adacore.com/download/configurations. Choose Mac OS X as the platform.
Execute the following commands on the terminal:
Unzip or (tar
the file downloaded from the previous step, for example, as follows:
tar zxvf gnat-gpl-2012-x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0-bin.tar.gz
Note: this assumes that you're in the same folder as the file you downloaded in step 1.
cd gnat-gpl-2012-x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0-bin
sudo ./doinstall
Edit your .bash_profile
file under /Users/{YOUR_USER_NAME}/.bash_profile
to also have the following line
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/gnat/bin
Save the .bash_profile
Open a new terminal. You should now be able to execute gnatmake