How can I get a list of branches that are first-level descendants of the current HEAD?
I can get a list of the whole tree with:
git log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=decorate --branches
which gives
* 2eff4a7... (refs/heads/issue-8351) Added a factory factory factory.
* 2e387aa... Refactored all of the factory factories.
| * b3fad52... (refs/heads/issue-8354) Moved the baz out of the constructor.
| * f4cf3fe... (refs/heads/experimental) quuz looking good
| * 1d276b9... Risky fix to replace the quux with the quuz.
| * d6b0222... (refs/heads/issue-7559) Fixed the quux in the foo.
| * 3f4cfff... (refs/heads/dev) wip
* 76f493f... (refs/heads/master) SVN 30192
but I'd like to just get a plain list of the first-level children of the current branch, like this example for master
and if I was on branch issue-7559
I'd only see:
How might I go about this?
You could do it as follows.
First the usual preamble:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
Use git for-each-ref
to gather the SHA-1 and name for each ref:
sub refs {
open my $fh, "-|", "git", "for-each-ref",
or die "$0: failed to run git for-each-ref";
my %ref2sha;
while (<$fh>) {
my($sha,$ref) = split /\t/;
$ref2sha{$ref} = $sha;
If a commit is a child of HEAD
, the set of commits reachable from HEAD
excluding everything reachable from the commit in question is the empty set. We can check this relationship with git rev-list
sub is_child {
my($ref) = @_;
# git rev-list ^dev master
my $refs = `git rev-list ^$ref HEAD -- 2>&1`;
die "$0: git rev-list-failed.\n$refs" if $?;
$refs !~ /\S/;
For each ref that is a descendant of HEAD
but it not equivalent to HEAD
, we examine the path from HEAD
to that reference using git log
. If the path contains the tip of another branch, the ref cannot be a first-level child.
All survivors of this gauntlet are first-level children.
chomp(my $head = `git rev-parse HEAD 2>&1`);
die "$0: git rev-parse failed.\n$head" if $?;
my $ref2sha = refs;
my %headsha = reverse %$ref2sha;
foreach my $ref (keys %$ref2sha) {
my $refsha = $ref2sha->{$ref};
next if $refsha eq $head || !is_child $ref;
my @log = `git log --pretty=format:%H ..$ref 2>&1`;
die "$0: git log failed.\n@log" if $?;
for (@log) {
next if $_ eq $refsha;
next REF if exists $headsha{$_};
print $ref, "\n";