I'm using maven cobertura plugin to report code coverage in my multimodule project.
The problem is that I don't know how to generate one report for all modules in project.
So far I have generated separate reports for every module, but it would be nice to have one report for whole project.
My parent pom configuration:
To my knowledge, this is currently not supported, see MCOBERTURA-65. But the issue has a patch attached, maybe try it. But my suggestion would be to use something like Sonar to aggregate metrics.
The plugin has been updated since this question was asked (and last answered) to now enable aggregated reporting, via the aggregate
configuration property in the parent POM.
This produces the aggregated coverage report at target/site/cobertura/index.html
which will include all modules.
(Each module will also have it's own report produced, if that is of any use.)
Parent pom.xml
I have been using Hudson as a Continuous Integration tool.
The Cobertura plugin allows me to see code coverage of all of the child modules when checking on the parent.
The Jenkins Cobertura plugin aggregates the report automatically but if you are interested in the coverage file itself for some other reasons you can do by following below procedure:
Download Cobertura from here
Go to your project workspace -> find all the .ser
files and rename them
(i=0; find . | grep cobertura.ser$ | while read line;do echo $line; cp -i $line cobertura$i.ser;i=$(($i+1));done;)
use cobertura-merge.sh
to generate global .ser
~/cobertura-2.0.3/cobertura-merge.sh --datafile cobertura.ser cobertura*.ser
use cobertura-report.sh
to generate report on global .ser file
~/cobertura-2.0.3/cobertura-report.sh ./cobertura.ser --destination ./ --format xml
You will have the global coverage.xml
generated in the current directory.
You can use it for any kind of processing further.