Where can I place my "global" function, which will check, if user is logged in?
Because I want to do something like: user is able to browse some pages only when the function isLogged()
returns TRUE, and I'd have to use it in some views, that's why it should be a "global" function, which I can access from anywhere.
Is that possible? Or there is any better solution for this?
You should probably put it into a Library, and autoload the library. When you need to use the "logged_in" flag in a view, pass it in from the controller. Example:
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Auth
public function is_logged_in ()
// Change this to your actual "am I logged in?" logic
return $_SESSION['logged_in'];
$autoload['libraries'] = array(
<?php ...
public function index ()
$view_data = array
'logged_in' => $this->Auth->logged_in()
$this->load->view('my_view', $view_data);
<? echo $logged_in ? 'Welcome back!' : 'Go login!' ?>
Are you using an authentication library? If not I'd suggest one.
They come with functions like that.
Tank Auth for example has: is_logged_in()
, which does exactly what you want!
For more info about which library to use you should check out this answer which compares all libs:
If you don't want an authentication library you can do as suggested by Joe
you can use MY_controller with all function needed on every page of your website. and inherit all controllers from it. read this oficial wiki