I need to convert a simple string in a Byte array using excel VBA. Then this byte array is used as the request's body.
How can I do that?
I need to convert a simple string in a Byte array using excel VBA. Then this byte array is used as the request's body.
How can I do that?
If you only need ANSI characters, you can use the StrConv() function as is done here.
Matthew answered how to convert to ANSI, but if you wanted the resulting byte array to still represent the original Unicode string, you'd simply assign it directly:
Public Sub Main()
Dim b() As Byte
Dim s As String
s = "Whatever"
b = s 'Assign Unicode string to bytes.'
s = b 'Works in reverse, too!'
Debug.Print s
End Sub
That's all there is to it. You end up with a 16-element Byte array, each successive pair describing one Unicode character.
' a bit of an example
' had some strings down column G
' nothing in columns "F" or "H" so that current works
' Think about it.. there are many many columns
' so leave blank columns on each side of setsof dats
' then currentregion works ... IFF no blank rows in the data
' problem to solve some text was Fred3 John2 Blue3
' others were Bert 3 Green 2 ... which was the require format
' the ASC char 1 ..255 are the odd or even
' numbered bytes if array is 1 based or 0 based
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim RV$, Ra As Range, Ri&, AL%, WSA() As Byte
Dim Ci%, WS$, LV As Byte
Set Ra = Range("g8").CurrentRegion
For Ri = 1 To Ra.Rows.Count
WSA = CStr(Ra(Ri, 1).value)
AL = UBound(WSA)
LV = WSA(AL - 1) ' last char byte value
If LV > 47 And LV < 58 Then ' 0 to 9
If WSA(AL - 3) <> 32 Then ' no space " "
ReDim Preserve WSA(AL + 2) ' allow 1 more char
WSA(AL - 3) = 32 ' put in space
WSA(AL - 1) = LV ' return char
WS = WSA ' back to a string
Ra(Ri, 1) = WS ' back to the cell
End If
End If
Next Ri
End Sub
' of course the normal VBAcommands Instr len Mid replace &
' would do the job ... but my brain is lazy and needed some exercise