The following client and server UDP broadcast code works on fine when both are on the same PC. However when I have them on separate PC's in the same WIFI LAN nothing happens at all. I have managed to get a multicast version working fine on the two separate PC's but not this :(. I have shut down firewalls on both and succesfully pinged each from both PC's.
The idea behind this test is so I can use this method so a client can find a server on the LAN by sending a datagram packet (peer discovery). I think I'm doing something wrong with the host name or something but after a week of googling and testing new ideas I'm officially all out of them :(.
public class Client
private String hostname= "localhost";
private int port=1234;
private InetAddress host;
private DatagramSocket socket;
DatagramPacket packet;
public void run()
host = InetAddress.getByName(hostname);
socket = new DatagramSocket (null);
packet=new DatagramPacket (new byte[100], 0,host, port);
socket.send (packet);
socket.receive (packet);
socket.close ();
byte[] data = packet.getData ();
String time=new String(data); // convert byte array data into string
catch(Exception e)
public class Server
public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 1234;
private DatagramSocket socket;
private DatagramPacket packet;
public void run()
socket = new DatagramSocket(DEFAULT_PORT);
catch( Exception ex )
System.out.println("Problem creating socket on port: " + DEFAULT_PORT );
packet = new DatagramPacket (new byte[1], 1);
while (true)
socket.receive (packet);
System.out.println("Received from: " + packet.getAddress () + ":" +
packet.getPort ());
byte[] outBuffer = new java.util.Date ().toString ().getBytes ();
packet.setData (outBuffer);
packet.setLength (outBuffer.length);
socket.send (packet);
catch (IOException ie)
Just wondering if anyone can help?