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Why is Python's 'len' function faster than the __len__ method?
2 answers
While profiling my Python's application, I've discovered that len()
seems to be a very expensive one when using sets. See the below code:
import cProfile
def lenA(s):
for i in range(1000000):
def lenB(s):
for i in range(1000000):
def main():
s = set();
if __name__ == "__main__":"main()","stats");
According to profiler's stats below, lenA()
seems to be 14 times slower than lenB()
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 1.986 1.986 3.830 3.830 .../
1000000 1.845 0.000 1.845 0.000 {built-in method len}
1 0.273 0.273 0.273 0.273 .../
Am I missing something? Currently I use __len__()
instead of len()
, but the code looks dirty :(
Obviously, len
has some overhead, since it does a function call and translates AttributeError
to TypeError
. Also, set.__len__
is such a simple operation that it's bound to be very fast in comparison to just about anything, but I still don't find anything like the 14x difference when using timeit
In [1]: s = set()
In [2]: %timeit s.__len__()
1000000 loops, best of 3: 197 ns per loop
In [3]: %timeit len(s)
10000000 loops, best of 3: 130 ns per loop
You should always just call len
, not __len__
. If the call to len
is the bottleneck in your program, you should rethink its design, e.g. cache sizes somewhere or calculate them without calling len
This is an interesting observation about the profiler, which has nothing to do with the actual performance of the len function. You see, in the profiler stats, there are two lines concerning lenA
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 1.986 1.986 3.830 3.830 .../
1000000 1.845 0.000 1.845 0.000 {built-in method len}
...while there is only one line concerning lenB
1 0.273 0.273 0.273 0.273 .../
The profiler has timed each single call from lenA
to len
, but timed lenB
as a whole. Timing a call always adds some overhead; in the case of lenA you see this overhead multiplied a million times.
This was going to be a comment but after larsman's comment on his controversial results and the result I got, I think it is interesting to add my data to the thread.
Trying more or less the same setup I got the contrary the OP got, and in the same direction commented by larsman:
12.1964105975 <- __len__
6.22144670823 <- len()
The test:
def lenA(s):
for i in range(100):
def lenB(s):
for i in range(100):
s = set()
if __name__ == "__main__":
from timeit import timeit
print timeit("lenB(s)", setup="from __main__ import lenB, s")
print timeit("lenA(s)", setup="from __main__ import lenA, s")
This is activepython 2.6.7 64bit in win7